We’ve combined a proven interface and technology to create Link-n-Log

A next generation web enabled graphical logging application

Link-n-Log is the software that powers the Link Box, it is the controller, display and editor for all incoming data. Running in any modern web browser, there is no software to download and install. Using standard WITS protocol, it can Link, Log, and Lag from any device on the modern well site including Terra’s FID, EDR’s, Mass Specs, 3rd Party devices, and so on.

Link-n-Log embedded web application

Latest Technology

Built using latest HTML5 technology, it is a responsive interface inside any modern web browser

Graphical Editor

Simple and easy to use Graphical editor based on our pioneer software, TControl

Data Link

Combine each sensor or instrument in one complete time-based dataset, easy export to time or depth LAS

Edit Interpreted Data

Raw sensor data is collected with a unique timestamp and any data that is interpreted from a raw data or WITS feed may be edited.  This gives loggers the ability to line up the lag profile perfectly while ensuring raw gas data remains intact


WITS feeds via Serial or Ethernet can change units in real time for transmission back to EDR, in addition to normalizing data in real time

Flexible at its core

At a glance you can see all data parameters coming into the application in the WITS Monitor. Quickly diagnose any miscommunication with other vendors or the rig’s EDR system. Export depth data in any format or unit.

Call us and schedule a demo